What is rEIKI
Reiki is a Japanese technique used for a complete relaxation that promotes the body's natural ability to heal itself. REIKI will help restore energy flow through your body, bringing it to its optimal state.
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life-changing things that happen when
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in the mindfulness of yoga.
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What is Psychic Energy Healing ?
“REI” means “universal wisdom”, and “KI” means “life force energy”. Flowing through the body REIKI reduces stress, brings deep relaxation, cleanses, and detoxifies the body and the body’s energy system, which promotes healing on the overall wellbeing.
REIKI doesn’t come from the healer, but flows through the healer, therefore both parties subconsciously are actively involved in the healing process.
When the person is feeling anxious or depressed, going through deep psychological, physical, and/or emotional trauma, energy healing is very beneficial
REIKI also helps with all sorts of life situations such as releasing stress, promoting good night sleep, strengthening your focus, helping with your relationships, with your connection to your inner self, your spiritual awareness, it provides guidance in many circumstances, it develops kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, energy, enthusiasm, abundance, it brings balance into your life. REIKI CAN DO NO HARM.
What is it used for?
When a lot of low vibrational energy is collected within our energy field, it creates blockages and imbalances, disrupting energy flow, affecting our body, our emotions, our decision making, our environment; resulting in feeling unwell, stressed, having emotional issues, developing diseases, all affecting even seemingly uncontrollable situations.
What is it used for?
Energy healing will not only bring significant improvement into your health, but it will also help to bring positive changes into every day life.Regular energy healing hygiene helps to maintain optimal body’s functioning.
What is it used for?
Here are some conditions that all energy work can help with:· From generally feeling unwell, stress, anxiety, physical, to emotional and chronic pain.· Releasing emotional trauma.· Making life decisions· Achieving wealth and success· Having a successful businessDuring the healing session, energy blockages are removed, energy is balanced, so it can flow freely, replenishing our energy, bringing equilibrium not only for our health, but also into our lives.
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Class types
Beginner basic
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